OK, a couple of things.
First, the recurring title is starting to annoy me. I got through seven days, but that’s it. I’ll come up with something else that’s, hopefully, less stupid.
Secondly, Sunday at Next Level Church was great! I connected with Pastors Mike Ash and Scott Drummond and their wives before the service. It was good to see them again.
The service was good, too! There were a couple of songs I didn’t know and then “God of this City”. Awesome song!
Matt Keller’s message rocked! He chose to begin One Prayer with “God is Speaking” instead of re-hashing his video message (“God is Faithful”) that he had to record and submit over a month ago. I almost wish we could show that one this week at OTCC. (You can watch for it to show up and listen to it here.)
After the service I caught up with Matt and Sarah Keller. Great people, great heart – ’nuff said.
The next thing was to come home and say “Hi” to everyone at Oak Tree Community Church live via Skype. I know vacation is supposed to be a time to “get away from it all”, but my brain doesn’t disconnect from stuff. Anyway, Craig Groeschel brought an awesome message that “God is Love”.
The day was going great – until I heard that only a handful of people showed up to hear that message. Frankly, I was bummed and frustrated! My dad asked if people didn’t come because I wasn’t there. I sure hope not!!! If I’m the only reason people attend (and I seriously doubt that), we might as well close the church. There has to be something more than that!

This lines up with the series I’ll be teaching for the three weeks of July when I return. There are people in our church who need a church family, all week long, not just a good song and sermon on Sunday.
(Rant over – had to get that off my chest.)
Went fishing of the dock last night. Nathan caught two (and fell in the canal!). No one else caught any. Check out new pictures on my Facebook album.
Thanks to both of you for your comments! I really wanted a ton of people to hear that message. I suppose we could use it again sometime. I didn't think that most vacations would be this early.
I'm glad you were able to hear it. The story about the guy from the bar was great! Sometimes unconventional is the best way.
See you all soon.