Pews & New Teaching Series

Pews I heard today that our friends in Texas are coming next Tuesday (August 7) afternoon to get the pews they bought from us!  Mark will have a couple of guys with him, but if we can have a couple as well, I think they would appreciate it. لعبه القمار روليت العاب ربح مال حقيقي […]

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Remembering Grace

We celebrated communion last night during our Sunday evening GetTogether.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but I had a great time. If you’re wondering how you can have a “great time” during communion, this is how: I mentioned that Jesus’ command was that we are to celebrate communion “in remembrance of” Him.  So I

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They’re here!!!

OUR CHAIRS ARE HERE!!!!!!! OK, it may have been so long that you don’t even remember. So let me help you catch up and be excited with me. Last summer we started talking about selling our pews and ordering chairs to replace them. We posted them on www.usedpews.org and received lots and lots of inquiries

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