
Luke 7

Chapter seven continues Jesus’ ministry in Galilee during the early part of his ministry (approximately the first year). This selection includes four incidents, each of which demonstrates Jesus’ compassion on those around him. First, like Matthew, Luke recorded Jesus’ healing of a centurion’s servant. The healing at a distance would especially interest Doctor Luke, but the […]

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Luke 3

Chapter three continues Luke’s parallel between John and Jesus. In the first two chapters we find the angelic announcements of the two, followed by their births, circumcisions / namings, and a brief account of their boyhoods. John’s story always came first, then Jesus’. Now, in chapter three, we find the beginning of their respective ministries.

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Luke 1

The third gospel was written by “Luke the physician” (Colossians 4:14). It is the first of two historical volumes he wrote to Theophilus (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-2), who was possibly a Roman official or even Luke’s publishing underwriter. Luke stated his goal was to provide a clear, well-researched (although not necessarily strictly chronological) account of

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