
Jeremiah 21

Chapter twenty-one seems to begin a new section of this book. In the first twenty chapters, the only indication of time given is in Jeremiah 1:1-3 and Jeremiah 3:6. Chapter one indicates the time span over which God spoke to Jeremiah, while chapter three specifies that the following prophecies were during the reign of Josiah […]

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Jeremiah 20

Chapter twenty closes the first major section of this book and finishes the story started in chapter eighteen. Jeremiah’s life had been threatened multiple times, but Jeremiah 20:1-6 records a specific example of what Jeremiah faced. Passhur, the priest in charge of Temple security, heard Jeremiah’s message in chapter 19, so he had Jeremiah beaten

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Jeremiah 18

Chapter eighteen provides yet another illustration for Jeremiah’s preaching ministry. God told him to visit a potter and watch him work (Jeremiah 18:1-4). What he saw was that the clay was totally submissive to the potter’s hands and desire. If things were not going the way the potter wanted, he could use the same clay

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