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Isaiah 11

Chapter eleven continues the theme of Israelā€™s restoration. Picking up on the analogy of Assyria as a great tree to be cut down, Isaiah pointed to the coming Messiah as ā€œa shootā€¦out of Jesseā€™s root stock, a budā€¦from his rootsā€ (Isaiah 11:1). Like his father, David, this king will have Godā€™s Spirit on him, helping […]

Isaiah 11

Jeremiah 50

Chapters fifty and fifty-one, appropriately, deal with Babylon, the great empire of that time. Although they were considered invincible in Jeremiahā€™s day, God promised that they, too, would face invasion, captivity, and humiliation at the hands of another nation. The ā€œnation from the northā€ (Jeremiah 50:3) was Medo-Persia, which executed a surprise attack in 539

Jeremiah 50

Jeremiah 39

Chapters thirty-nine through forty-four contain many details about the third and final invasion that Nebuchadnezzar inflicted on Jerusalem. After six months of besieging Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar ā€œbroke through the city walls,ā€ burned down the palace and Temple, and broke down the outside walls (Jeremiah 39:1-10). Although they did not try to fight, Zedekiah and his men

Jeremiah 39