Daniel 2
For modern scholars to reject Daniel simply because they do not believe it could have happened as stated is to arrogantly set themselves against 2,500 years of Jewish scholarship, the Hebrew prophets, and the Savior himself.
For modern scholars to reject Daniel simply because they do not believe it could have happened as stated is to arrogantly set themselves against 2,500 years of Jewish scholarship, the Hebrew prophets, and the Savior himself.
For modern scholars to reject Daniel simply because they do not believe it could have happened as stated is to arrogantly set themselves against 2,500 years of Jewish scholarship, the Hebrew prophets, and the Savior himself.
Introduction to Revelation There are four primary theories concerning how to understand the Revelation. The preterist theory holds that the Revelation symbolically refers to events that took place around the time of its writing, and the early Christians understood the symbolism because they lived the events. The historical theory is similar, except that the events have