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Psalm 29

Psalm 29 is an offering of praise written by David. It naturally divides into three sections, each with a focus on specific attribute or characteristic of God. Psalm 29:1-2 focuses on God’s character. Three times David commanded that the readers should “acknowledge” something about God. Interestingly, the “readers” are described as (literally) “the sons of God,” a term used in the Old Testament for at least some of the angels. They were to recognize, acknowledge, and worship God for his “majesty and power.” He deserves this praise because of his name or “reputation,” Jehovah, the eternal one.

Psalm 29:3-9 focuses on God’s power. Each verse in this section (except verse six) begins with exactly the same phrase, “the LORD’s shout” (NET) or “voice” (most other translations), and each one offers a visual description of what God can do simply by commanding it to happen. He can affect the seas and the land, the enormous trees and the lightning. His word affects populous nations, like Lebanon; mountains, like Sirion (Mt. Hermon; Deuteronomy 3:9); and even the desert, like Kadesh. The biggest and fiercest parts of creation are all subject to his word.

Psalm 29:10-11 focuses on God’s sovereignty. In these last two verses, God is pictured sitting on top of the creation “as the eternal king.” Everything is below him and a part of his rule. Because of this he can give “his people strength” and grant them “security.” What a privilege it is that he allows us to call him “Father” and have access to him through Jesus.