Stephen Mansfield, author of The Faith of Barack Obama, which I have reviewed here, has written another great piece on this topic. This time it’s an opinion article in USA Today.
In short, Mansfield believes that President Obama’s eclectic, “big-tent” type of faith is exactly what the country ordered.
Americans are less likely to believe that any single faith is the only path to God, and they are more likely to believe that there is truth in religions differing from their own than at any prior time in the nation’s history.

Based on some of the President’s own speeches and writings, this is a great summary of his faith as well. And while that may satisfy the majority of our nation, it causes me great alarm.
As someone who is devoted to helping people properly understand Biblical teachings, there is nothing more frustrating than the post-modern, pluralistic, “all truth is relative” mindset held by so many today, including our President.
These “new revelations” might come from a non-Christian religion as well, for Obama does not believe his Christianity is the final word. “I am rooted in the Christian tradition,” he has said. But “I believe there are many paths to the same place and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”
Everyone should take a few minutes to read the full article here. And for more information about President Obama’s faith, check out Mansfield’s book, The Faith of Barack Obama (and my review here).
I am confused! I thought Acts 4:12 was pretty clear on this subject!
(“I am rooted in the Christian tradition,” he has said. But “I believe there are many paths to the same place and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”) What translation is this from? I think we should all be very prayerfull over the next 3+ years! I know my view isn't the most popular, but I am fearful of this guy being in charge.