Throughout the course of listening to the New Testament in 40 days, there were several times that I thought, “I want to study that more.” So I’ve gone back through each of my 40 posts and compiled this list.
To be honest, there weren’t as many as I thought there were. But still, 13 will keep me busy for a while. لعب لربح المال I’ll probably post some of my studies here to share with you. What did you hear that you want to study more?
- Question: Since Jesus is speaking in parables, is the description of Sheol (weeping, gnashing of teeth, etc.) literal at this point or just part of a parable? مواقع مراهنات كرة القدم (Matthew 13:42)
- I find it interesting that the disciples assumed that Jesus’ coming had would initiate the end of the world. What was the basis of that concept?
- Again we find descriptions about hell (or Sheol), but they’re in parables. Does this affect how literal we understand the description to be?
- Weird timeline in Matthew 27:52-53. The people came back to life while Jesus was still on the cross after he died, but they didn’t go into the city until after he was resurrected three days later? What were they doing in the meantime? (Picnic in the cemetery!)
- I want to study this concept further: “Keep praying that you can escape.”
- I want to look at this further in its broader context: “If you obey me, I will keep loving you…”
- This is one of those things that I want to study further: “Only those people who are lead by God’s Spirit are his children.”
- There are a couple of things in this section that I definitely want to study further. “They were cut away because they did not have faith” and “He will keep on being kind to you, if you keep on trusting in his kindness.”
- Something I want to look at a little bit more closely: Angels gave the law to Moses?
- Don’t remember seeing this before: God stopped caring about his people when they broke their agreement with him.
- Peter is taken out of context and misunderstood a lot (and he said that Paul was). I’ll be writing a series of posts on the statement “baptism now saves you“, because it is such an important topic and so widely misunderstood.
- Angels don’t dare to accuse evil people before God? Why? I have an answer, but I want to study it more.
- Where are the people who are boldly standing up for the truth today? Jude was the man! I want to study this little letter some more.