This middle section of the Revelation (actually chapters 6-19) describes the future time period known as the Tribulation. This will be a time of terror of humans on humans and the judgment of God on humans and spirits alike. ivermectin squirrel dosage Regardless of how you think the end times are going to play out, you definitely don’t want to be on the earth during this time! ivermectin intolerance in dogs
- We don’t know exactly how long the time of the seven trumpet judgments will be, but you can be sure that it will seem longer than it really is.
- The “first” horrible thing? The stuff in chapters 6 and 8 aren’t considered horrible? ivermectin doxycycline heartworm treatment dosage
- Yes, God uses even those who are rebellious against him to carry out his plan
- What a sad commentary on the human heart – even under such horrible judgments people refuse to turn to God
- There is no one who will be able to escape God’s judgment except through his way of rescue
- Chapter 12 is confusing because people try to find lots of hidden meaning in it. It’s actually a pretty cool summary of the New Testament and some future events.
- People who think they want a global government, global economy, and global religion will one day get their wish (chapter 13). They won’t be happy with the result.
- Even throughout this awful time of judgment God will offer his salvation to those who had not yet sided with the enemy. The choice to side with the enemy cannot be taken back.
- Just like Jesus, it took their deaths in order to defeat the enemy. For believers, death is not nearly as bad as some make it out to be.
- “The sea turned into blood like that of a dead person” (read: coagulated)- that’s just nasty!