I’ve really enjoyed doing this “fly-by” over the books of Corinthians. لعبة البلاك جاك There’s just a lot of practical wisdom in there. Here are our LISTEN thoughts on the first part of 2 Corinthians.
- He kept saying “brag”
- “Finish what you start” is our Treehouse Kids theme for the month – determination
- Chapter one can be a real encouragement to someone who is hurting, but they have to remember to pass it on in order to be a comfort to someone else as well
- Treat others the way you want to be treated
- Hard times should cause us to trust God more
- This is a pretty bold statement: “God can be trusted and so can I“
- One of the things we believe about the local church is that it is autonomous, or “self-governing”. We believe that there is no church-type entity outside of the local church (like denominations, synods, hierarchies, etc. العاب كازينو ) who has authority over the church to tell it what it can and can’t do in regards to ministry. Paul, too, believed in the autonomy of the churches, even in the churches that he started. bwin sport
- Even today when the law is read, it’s still true that many Jewish people’s hearts are blinded to the truth
- When you’re in the middle of life, it’s easy to forget that “these little troubles are getting us ready” for eternity
- What a great way to live: “make good use of God’s kindness to you“
- God has always expected us to give using percentage giving
- Do you feel Paul’s passion? He was out to destroy anything that keeps people from knowing God