Still catching up on posting our LISTEN thoughts.
- Peter said that he was rescued by an angel
- Herod was eaten by worms
- This is how I thought you would be saved: Tell God that you knew that you were a sinner
Peter (Josh’s son):
- Peter had to keep knocking for no reason
- What’s the point of praying for something if we don’t believe that God is going to do anything about it?
- This is the second time in Acts they’ve referenced Psalm 2 and Psalm 16 to Jesus (see the first times here and here)
- “All who were appointed for eternal life believed” – This is one of those verses that seems to disagree with other passages about salvation. Balance and context are critical in properly understanding God’s Word. العاب ربح المال من الانترنت
- Sometimes the enemy uses truth to turn people away from God.
- There is no shame in using all legal means available to us