Micah: The story about the guy who earned ten times more and the guy who got five times wasn’t quite the same as in Matthew.
Nathan: When the spies were trying to trick God into saying something – ya think God’s gonna fall for it?
- When God writes something about you for the world to read, do you really want it to say, "He loved money"?
- This is what I’ve said for years about volunteering at church and other places! We don’t serve or volunteer to get bonus points with God. We do it because it’s the right thing to do in response to his over-the-top love and grace for us. الرهان على مباريات كرة القدم This also means that we shouldn’t just volunteer when we feel like it. لعبة البوكر Serving God and others should be a normal part of our lives. سلوتس
- When Christ returns, society will be behaving like the people of the last major judgment in Noah’s time.
- The Pharisee prayed, "I’m not greedy." Didn’t we just read something about the Pharisees loving money?
- Sometimes things are kept from our understanding until later just so God can be honored and lifted up.
- Why do some people think that others are too bad for God while they themselves don’t need him?
- God rewards his followers and punishes those who reject him on an exponential scale.