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How Carlin’s Cursing Changed America

I like humor; I love comedy. I thoroughly enjoy a comedian who can make me laugh loud and long, interweaving the weird things that we call “life”, and make us say, “It’s so true! رهان مباشر

You are probably aware that comedian, George Carlin, died earlier this summer. Whether or not his death affected you is immaterial. The fact that his life affected you, even if you didn’t like his comedy, is unarguable.

Paul Asay, from Focus on the Family’sPluggedIn Online” website, has written an excellent article on Carlin’s comedic impact, much of which was defined by his “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” or “Seven Dirty Words” routine.

I highly recommend that you read his well-thought-through perspective here.

Carlin made a huge impact on our nation. There were many times I thought he was just downright hilarious. I hope that I can make as big of an impact for God’s Kingdom that Carlin did for those infamous words (one of which, by the way, was in the Bible 300+ years before George Carlin was born!).