I love to read. I don’t know if it has always been that way, but it’s true now. In fact, it’s common for me to be in the middle of several books at once.
In addition to reading textbooks for my graduate degree and leadership books as a pastor and church leader, I also read and review books for BookSneeze (a division of Thomas Nelson Publishers). (You can check out my past book reviews here.)
I recently looked back at the list of books I read over the past year, and there were a couple that stood out far above the rest that I thought I would bring to your attention. So here are the top four favorite books from my 2010 reading list.

1. Decision Points by George W. Bush
I have always admired President Bush for several reasons, and this book only strengthened them. Regardless of your political preferences, I highly recommend Decision Points. It is by far the best autobiography I have read since Just As I Am by Billy Graham.
Buy Decision Points on Amazon.com

2. Transforming Church in Rural America by Shannon O’Dell
The story of Brand New Church in rural Arkansas is nothing short of miraculous. Shannon O’Dell has learned to trust God to grow His church in a setting where “it can’t be done”. I highly recommend Transforming Church in Rural America to all Christians who would like to see their churches have a dramatic impact in their communities.
Read my full review of Transforming Church in Rural America here.
Read Shannon’s blog, “Breaking All the Rurals”, here.
Buy Transforming Church in Rural America on Amazon.com

3. Transforming Church by Kevin Ford
If there was one book that I read this year that brought attention to the state of the American church, i.e., the way things are versus they way they should be, it was Transforming Church. Kevin Ford knows a thing or two about churches. The son of Billy Graham’s personal liaison to churches, Leighton Ford, Kevin grew up seeing how even the tiniest things can affect the impact a local church can have. I read this one slowly and will definitely read it again.
Kevin helps churches through TAG Consulting at transformingchurch.net.
Buy Transforming Church on Amazon.com

4. Prolegomena by Christopher Cone
Dr. Cone is the president of Tyndale Seminary where I am pursuing my Master of Theology degree. One of my textbooks for a class last year, Prolegomena lays a solid foundation for anyone who wants to do serious Bible study (which should be every Christian!). Based on what he calls his “four pillars,” Dr. Cone helps his readers understand both why a strong, Biblical theology is so important and how to form one.
Yes, it’s a college textbook. Yes, there are big words. Yes, you should read it.
The best books I read in 2010…
"The Principle of the Path" by Andy Stanley wins 1st place hands down. Everyone should read it.
"Six Ways to Keep the 'Little' in your Girl" by Dannah Gresh was another good one. Everyone who is raising or loves a little girl or teen girl should read this one.
Thanks, Babe!