Exegesis vs. Eisegesis


Can you share with me why you teach that we cannot have apostles and prophets today?


This is a great question because it has a specific and direct application for everyone who studies the Bible.

The distinction is built into the words themselves, but it’s not obvious. They are both compound Greek words built on the verb ēgeomai (ἠγέομαι), meaning “to lead, guide.” The preposition ek/ex (ἐκ/ἐξ) means “out of,” while the preposition eis (εἰς) means “into.” Thus, the basic meanings of the two words are “to lead out of” and “to lead into,” respectively. You can see they are opposites.

But, once combined, the words take on additional meaning and nuance. The Greek word exēgēsis (ἐξήγησις) means “a description or explanation” (something bought out or drawn out), based on the word exēgeomai (ἐξηγέομαι), “to tell, report, describe; expound.” On the other hand, eisēgeomai (εἰσηγέομαι) means “to display, apply.” The writers of Scripture never used that word, but they did use exēgeomai a few times, including in John 1:18, where Jesus is said to have “explained” God to us.

When used in hermeneutics (Bible study and interpretation), then, to exegete Scripture is to draw the meaning from the text, letting it tell us what it means. To eisegete a passage is the opposite – putting meaning into the text from an outside source (our opinion, church tradition, etc.). The literal-grammatical-historical hermeneutic requires the interpreter to exegete every passage, always staying subject to the authority of Scripture rather than forcing our theology onto the text. When done consistently in every passage, every time we open the Bible, this is the only method that allows the Bible to speak for itself unhindered, based on the original author’s intent behind every word and phrase.

For more information about how to apply this method every time you read and study the Bible, check out my book, Hermeneutics for Everyone: A Practical Guide for Reading and Studying Your Bible.

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