It’s been several days since I posted something specifically about our vacation. You might prefer to read some of the other posts I’ve done recently on topics like spiritual gifts, what a church should look like, and President Obama’s faith in relation to our times. I will also be posting several book reviews next week.
But, for those of you who care about our vacation, here’s an update for you.

This week has been both busy and lazy. On Monday we boated out to Bonita Beach (about 45 minutes by boat) to a great little beach with tons of shells. On one side was the Gulf of Mexico, on the other a shallow inlet where we saw lots of minnows, birds, and even a dolphin playing. We ate on Sanibel Island at Hungry Heron’s seafood restaurant. You’ll definitely want to see some of those pics.
Tuesday was sort of a down day with Dad, Mom, and Philip getting things finished and packed up before they were supposed to leave the next day. Saralynn and I took the opportunity to have a date night. We ate and discussed personal and church stuff.
Wednesday was sort of weird. My dad left for Indiana around 3:30am, driving a van they had left here previously. My mom and nephew, Philip, were to be on a 5:30p flight back home, but storms in Fort Myers and Atlanta delayed flights so much that they didn’t actually leave until Thursday morning. I spent the morning with Mike Ash, a pastor at Next Level Church, discussing lots of church-related things and getting his perspective on some stuff I’ve been wrestling with.

Thursday was a lazy day. We got up late, swam three different times, played a little GameCube, and watched a movie before bed. It was pure vacation.
Today (Friday) has been a work day for me. I spent the morning completing my initial translation work on Philippians third major section (there are seven). The rest of the day I used to catch up on a few consulting projects I’m behind on.
Saralynn’s sister, Cathy, will drive down from Jacksonville on Saturday morning to spend the weekend with us, so we’re looking forward to a great time together.
Check out a whole bunch of new pics on my Facebook album.