Well, it’s certainly not the first time I’ve gone a long time without posting, then come back hoping for a more consistent schedule.
But this time is different.
I’ve come to the conclusion that, as much as I would like to, writing on a set schedule just isn’t going to happen right now.
Sure, I’ll still write teaching posts – that hasn’t changed. I’ll still do book reviews. (Although not always by myself.) I’ll even do some series like in the past. (In fact, I still owe you conclusions to series here and here.)
The problem with set schedules (weekly, etc.) is that I feel guilty when I don’t post, because I’ve set my expectation level too high.
This time getting back in the blogging saddle means writing as much as I can, when I can.
Hopefully, this will allow me to actually post more often than less. (Yeah, I’m weird like that.) You’ll want to subscribe in a feed reader or via email so you don’t miss anything.
To get “back in the saddle again,” I updated my About page with more detail and my most popular posts (in case you missed them). I also added a page about What I’m Reading that I’ll update periodically.
I love your comments on my posts. All of my posts copy to my Facebook Notes page where you can comment as well.
See you soon!