Rick & Bubba’s Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage
by Rick Burgess & Bill “Bubba” Bussey
I have to be honest – I had never heard of Rick & Bubba before. Apparently, the self-described “two sexiest fat men in America” have a syndicated radio show out of Alabama with quite the loyal following!
(And like everyone who wants more communication with their audience, they’re on Facebook and Twitter, too!)
Now everyone knows (spoiler alert!) that no marriage is perfect. But, according to Rick & Bubba, any marriage can be “almost nearly perfect.” And that’s their goal in this book.
At only 230 pages, Rick & Bubba spend 43 short chapters covering nearly every aspect of marriage from a hands-on perspective. Using stories from their own lives (with permission, of course!), they navigate us through the stormy waters of marriage and give us some landmarks to watch for.
And, all of you list-type people out there, Rick & Bubba’s Guide has you covered:
- “Rick & Bubba’s Surefire Ways for Guys to Know She’s the One” (example: She has her own bass boat)
- “Top Ten Things Not to Say on the Way to Your Honeymoon” (example: “I sure am glad my old girlfriend broke up with me!”)
- “Top Ten Reasons Wives Nag” (example: It cuts through every attempt by the husband to listen selectively)
- “Rick & Bubba’s Top Ten Love Songs” (example: “If You Leave Me Now” – What Will I Do for Dinner?)
But don’t worry, it’s not all silliness. Rick & Bubba have an obvious love for God and their wives, and their Guide is full of solid advice and biblical wisdom. For instance, in their “Ten Commandments of Marriage,” number seven reads,
Thou shalt love your spouse because you promised God that you would. Don’t love your spouse for as long as he or she lives up to your standard. Love your spouse for as long as you promised God you would.Loving your spouse is an action, not a feeling.
If you’re looking for a great read with strong principles, you can’t go wrong with Rick & Bubba’s Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage.
You can get your copy directly from Thomas Nelson or on Amazon.
(I might even make it required reading for pre-marital counseling!)
I defiantly wanna read this one!!
I have it in my office – first come, first served to borrow it!