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Vision, Part 8

Aubrey Malphurs defines a vision as “a clear, challenging picture of the future of the ministry as you believe it can and must be” (Aubrey Malphurs, Developing a Vision for Ministry in the 21st Century).

Over several weeks and posts I have laid out the vision that God has given me for Oak Tree Community Church. Here are the eight pieces again (linked back to their original posts if you want to refresh your memory):

  • I envision families living without debt and changing their community by giving generously through the church and saving generously for the future
  • I envision men and women becoming godly church leaders without having to be sent away to a professional institution (such as a seminary)
  • I envision older professionals mentoring younger professionals in how to live godly in the world
  • I envision children learning the fundamental truths for a strong Christian faith in a way that they can never forget in order to intentionally live them
  • I envision growing believers studying the deep things of God together and living them faithfully
  • I envision lost people regularly giving their lives to Christ
  • I envision a congregation intentionally making Christ-followers in their immediate communities and around the world
  • I envision a congregation giving its community a glimpse of heaven on earth

It is clear – it specifically addresses families and money; church leadership; church members not in leadership; children; adults; unbelievers; and our local and global community

It is challenging – there is no way that we can accomplish this on our own or in a short period of time

It affects the future – this is a forever long-term vision for our church; it is not based on me or my time at our church

It can be – because it reflects God’s heart, it is not impossible

It must be – because it reflects God’s heart, he will accomplish it here if we are willing


And there is the question: Are we willing – are you willing – to step up and do your part to bring heaven to earth, to lead people to God, to become everything Christ-like, for the rest of your days, until you are finally in his immediate presence one day?

This is where our church is headed. Everyone has an active role in this. There are no bench warmers, no second-string. ivermectina preo droga pacheco I hope you come along – not just for a ride – but in active participation in God’s work through his Church. ivermectina para uso humano Don’t be left out.

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