Chapter two paints a picture of false teachers and their teaching as opposed to the true teaching presented in chapter one. Essentially, chapter two is one long excoriation of those that Peter predicted would eventually make their way into the church to pervert it. Using well-known stories from the Hebrew Scriptures, Peter compared the coming false teachers to āTHE ANGELS WHO SINNEDā (2 Peter 2:4), āTHE ANCIENT WORLD [OF] NOAHā (2 Peter 2:5), and āSODOM AND GOMORRAHā (2 Peter 2:6), all of whom suffered extreme judgment by God. He called them āBRAZEN AND INSOLENTā (2 Peter 2:10) and āCURSED CHILDRENā (2 Peter 2:14), comparing them to āIRRATIONAL ANIMALSā (2 Peter 2:12) and āWATERLESS SPRINGSā (2 Peter 2:17), and stated that they would have been better off not knowing the truth than turning away from it (2 Peter 2:21).
The reason for all this is because their teaching cuts out the very heart of truth, āEVEN TO THE POINT OF DENYING THE MASTER WHO BOUGHT THEMā (2 Peter 2:1). Though their message promotes freedom (2 Peter 2:19), their lives exhibit greed (2 Peter 2:3), adultery (2 Peter 2:14), debauchery (2 Peter 2:18), and immorality (2 Peter 2:19). They even practice what they preach, encouraging their followers to throw off the demands of Christ and wallow in āTHE FILTHY THINGS OF THE WORLDā (2 Peter 2:20) like dogs and pigs (2 Peter 2:22). Peter said these would be accepted into the church and praised rather than condemned. There is no doubt that prophecy has proven true.